Achab Group's 7 tools for spreading sustainability

Achab Group's 7 tools for spreading sustainability

We at Achab Group have chosen to communicate sustainability in an interactive and engaging way. To do this, we have developed the necessary knowledge to produce multimedia content designed to entertain, teach and make people think. We believe this to the best way to effectively promote real behavioural change.
We are always looking for new ways to express and communicate sustainability, to continue to improve the results we achieve and to keep up with the times.

  1. Gamification: sustainability becomes a game

    Recycling, polluting less, reducing waste... These are all very nice things, but what a struggle. It is much easier to continue living as we have always done. Through gamification techniques we try to make sustainability a game with rewards and achievements to motivate people to take sustainability actions on a daily basis.
    Changing established habits, adopting new values, implementing new behaviours is an effort and it is like setting a flywheel in motion, a push is needed to overcome initial inertia.
    Since childhood, playing has always been a time of experimentation, even for adults, where barriers and resistance are broken down and we reach a frame of mind predisposed to change. That is why gamification strategies are the right tool to involve adults, employees, suppliers, customers and the sales network by bringing sustainability into everyday life in order to achieve the company's goals.

  2. Animation: sustainable events 

    Sustainability must be taught and disseminated, but also practised. That is why we at Achab Group can organise corporate events with a sustainability theme. For example, with theatrical animation techniques brought 'inside' the workplace, with short breaks on daily activities that capture attention, entertain, make actors and colleagues interact and put training activities into practice. Or with moments of veritable theatre and spectacle, at workplaces, outdoors or in actual theatres, where the ability to excite and narrate, by involving the spectators, entertains, fascinates and makes everyone reflect, because culture is an extraordinary engine for growth.

  3. Coding: the language of the future

    Digital coding is the 'alphabet' of our time, with a new syntax combining logic and creativity, two very important skills to be developed from a very young age. That is why we deem it essential that children and young people learn how to use this language
    Again, as usual, our primary goal remains to spread sustainability. Thanks to the Scratch 3.0 software provided by MIT (Boston University), we can accompany children in the creation of simple video games to understand the basics of programming by solving environmental problems.

  4. Video making: sustainability comes alive

    Among the strings to our bow we can also produce videos of all kinds, taking care of the script, filming, interpretation and post-production step. Over the years, we have produced dozens of videos and films of various genres and lengths, ranging from short films of a few minutes to full-fledged shorts over 20 minutes.
    The various formats we can propose include documentaries, video lectures, video interviews, video readings, holograms, shorts, but we are ready to work with the client to find the best way to deliver the desired message to the desired target audience.
    We can bring your leading figures to the screen, letting their passion speak for itself, or we can bring our science communicators into play by constructing exciting stories, or we can involve actors or communicators who are more or less well-known but all passionate and capable of conveying information and emotions.

  5. Animated videos: sustainability for children

    Not only videos with real footage among Achab Group's productions: thanks to Lamberto Azzariti's evocative stroke, the stories and tales of our president Paolo Silingardi came to life in cartoon form.
    The first episodes of the cartoon series based on Silingardi's short stories are already available on, our website dedicated to sustainability education. Our short stories are nothing more than little tales about sustainability that are meant to provoke reflection and raise awareness even among the very young.
    Transforming words into moving images gives them the strength and ability to enthral while maintaining the simplicity and immediacy needed to evoke interest and be understood even by a child
    Our short stories are just the first example of how we can apply this expertise. At the customer's request, we can write custom stories and scripts or animate their proposals.

  6. Exhibitions: educating people with passion

    So far, many of the tools listed have been dedicated specifically to businesses or schools. Of course, sustainability awareness cannot be disseminated to just a few people. This is why we also chose to create exhibitions, a medium that is open to anyone. 
    The exhibition is a cultural tool capable of conveying useful and interesting information by presenting it with a visual and artistic component. The images bring the words of writers, disseminators and researchers to life and become indelibly fixed in the minds of visitors. 
    We aim to provoke strong feelings that induce reflection and the will to change ourselves and the world around us.

  7. Books: the culture of sustainability

    From master to disciple, from teacher to pupil, culture, for centuries, even millennia, has been transmitted in written form. We at Achab also decided to use writing to spread the culture of sustainability.
    We can publish books that we write, page and print with very low production costs.
    Illustrated stories, short stories, theatrical monologues, novels are an excellent alternative to gadgets and can be realised by customising products already in the catalogue and making new ones as required. A book is forever and is always a welcome gift, one that is not ephemeral but lasting.
    With the hope that by creating works that, thanks to digital technology, have no expiry date, we can also influence future generations, we will keep on producing books on the many topics of sustainability, also to customer order.