Circular Economy and Recycling Chains
Educational videos
Animated graphics
Middle school, High school
Circular Economy and Recycling Chains
Educational videos
Animated graphics
Middle school, High school
Circular Economy and Recycling Chains, Plastic free
Educational videos
Animated graphics
Middle school, High school
Organic wet waste
Circular Economy and Recycling Chains Organic wet waste, Composting and food waste
Educational videos
Animated graphics
Middle school, High school
Circular Economy and Recycling Chains
Educational videos
Animated graphics
Middle school, High school
Water resource: knowing and protecting it
Water, blue gold
Educational materials
Activity sheet
Middle school, High school
2030 Agenda, we have a planet to save!
2030 Agenda and the universal sustainability goals
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school
Climate change... how hot it is! - middle school
Climate change
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school
Virtual water and water waste - middle school
Virtual water, waste and water footprint
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school
Sewage and water treatment - middle school
Water recovery and purification
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school
Plastic free: a world without plastic is possible!
Plastic Free
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school