The light bulb that was always on - cartoon
Energy saving
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2
The natural water cycle
Water cycle and conscious use of water
Educational materials
Student brochure
Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
The race for blue gold: source of life, source of conflict and migration
Water, blue gold
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school, High school
The story of Plastican
Plastic free
Story sheet
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
The sustainable zebra
2030 Agenda and the universal sustainability goals
Story sheet
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
The three dreams of Pino Bellavista
Climate change
Story sheet
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
The tree
2030 Agenda and the universal sustainability goals
Story sheet
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2
The Woodpecker
2030 Agenda and the universal sustainability goals
Story sheet
Preschool, Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
Virtual water and water waste
Virtual water, waste and water footprint
Educational materials
Student brochure
Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
Virtual water and water waste - middle school
Virtual water, waste and water footprint
Educational materials
Student brochure
Middle school
Waste reduction, first rule: prevention through conscious consumption
Educational materials
Game sheet
Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5
Waste reduction, second rule: extend the life of products by repairing and reusing
Educational materials
Game sheet
Elementary school grades 1-2, Elementary school grades 3-4-5